
VTech Learning Laptop

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Customer Buzz
 "Very disappointed" 2010-04-20
By Sunflower Sister (USA)
We bought the VTech Touch Tablet Advanced for my granddaughter Christmas, 2009. It is very similar in appearance to this machine. She loved it and played with it frequently. When she tired of the 4 cartridges that came with the computer, we tried to buy more (as we had been told we could.) That's when we discovered that we had paid full price for an item that was being discontinued. No other cartridges are available for the machine. So now, my granddaughter, in less than 6 months, has a $50 laptop that she is bored with. Apparently, this company simply discontinues items without notice and does not make the software for the newer models compatible with the older machines.

The graphics are less than desirable, as is the screen, and the music can be annoying, but can be turned off. However, the programs did help her learn, and she very much enjoyed the laptop.

My biggest gripe is spending $50 and feeling tricked/swindled by this company. We spent the money predicated on the idea the machine could grow with the child and that more than 4 programs would be available. Such is not the case. Beware this company! I will never trust them again.

Customer Buzz
 "Too complicated for a preschooler" 2009-10-05
By kaartip (Texas)
My kid loved the laptop... but got frustrated in a few minutes, none of the games hold interest, too many buttons.

The kid needs to be atleast 5yrs old before they can operate it by themselves.

Customer Buzz
 "So...So" 2006-03-22
By Ganesh Patil
It looks good, but has some draw backs like

1. Music is irritating

2. Can not decrease volume below certain level.

3. Screen (actual display)is too short.

4. Display back ground should be with fluorescent color.

5. It should be provided with AC adoptor

Customer Buzz
By Yami (Ice Box of the nation in Minnesota)
I got this laptop for my son 3rd birthday, he loves it.. He is only 3 and he has learn a lot from this laptop and also he knows and recognize all the letters of the alphabet and also he likes to count and it has so many nice features....

I like this laptop so much I got the same one to my son best friend for his 4 birthday....

Customer Buzz
 "This is a must-have!" 2005-11-30
By very busy mom (Riverdale, Ga)
I love this laptop computer! Parents, you have got to get this item. I love it because of its educational content and also this toy has totally captured my son's imagination. I now have more free time because he is so intrigued by his new computer.

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